

What’s your typical week look like? This is completely for you to answer on your own. How much of it is rushing around even when you’re tackling your lift. Do you rush through it or do you enjoy the process of methodically getting things done?

You’re the only one can answer this. And, maybe it’s a mix of a bit of both rushing and enjoying but you probably know you could be enjoying more of what you want as you do what you don’t want. What do I mean by this? I mean that if you made the most annoying of tasks quite fun or at least peaceful as you accomplish them you may feel less burden and stress by these simple and previously annoying tasks. These little annoying tasks make up so much of our lives. So, why don’t we spend time enjoying more of these little tasks in a different way from what we’re used to.

You may say, I’m out of time. Or you may say, I just want to get it done. Either way the way you’re doing it now has got your stress levels up much more than what I’m about to suggest to you now and you know what if you change this manner in which you do things a little bit one task at a time, you will slowly but surely start changing every task to be done more in this new way.

The appreciating life way - of handling annoying tasks
  1. When you have an annoying task on your radar - do one thing first. Think of it as seeing it done already/

  2. Feel what it feels like to have it completed… thinking of the way you got (before you do it) seeing the various steps within accomplishing the task as more of ease in advance.

  3. Begin even the most annoying of tasks by making the task more enjoyable

    • Examples of this: Grabbing your favorite non-alcoholic drink in your most fun cup and bring it along OR plan out your music you may have with you playing as you do the task if that is possible. You decide what makes the task more enjoyable for you.

  4. As you are in the midst of the task rather than racing through it, space out the time you would get it done fully charged with food for energy. You can even take a break and head out into the world for a fun treat mid way through for a bit or snack that way when you go back to finishing the task or parts of the task you are enjoying it fully fed and ready to embark on the task with that much more energy and a refreshed viewpoint when looking at it.

  5. Wear something that makes you feel on top of the world when you’re completing the task no matter how dirty or messy the task. Even if you’re cleaning out your basement wear your favorite workout outfit or shoes etc and if it’s a task that allows your to dress up maybe you wear your favorite watch or for women it’s your favorite bracelet. Make it feel good getting dressed and moving your body as you’re in your neat put together attire. You will feel better for it.

  6. Lastly, keep envisioning the task done in a relaxed and efficient manner. Doing this prep work throughout the task will bring on the mindset of seeing it done with efficiency and the end result will be nearer to the end of completion.

  7. Trying to keep living life fully amidst all the stress and life’s chaos? Try our shifts here through the online downloadable FREE guide!


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